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Jul 10, 2005

Noted Here and There ...

As I noted earlier, Chris Bray is in Atlanta this weekend and we have done what Cliopatricians do when they get together. We have eaten and talked history. After a tour of the Emory campus and a fine repast at the DeKalb Farmers Market yesterday, we found that a storm had knocked out the electricity at Cliopatriarchal palace, so we went out again for coffee and some serious reading. Georgia Power restored electricity later in the evening and we talked more history. Today, we intend to eat and talk more history.

Thanks to Manan Ahmed for spotting Dan Barry's"A Last Whiff of Fulton's Fish, Bringing a Tear," New York Times, 10 July. Take one last, long, deep breath of the smell of fish in Manhattan. The Fulton Fish Market is moving to The Bronx.

When, after many other allusions to historians and historicism, Kostova introduced a character whose last name is Hristova, I was tempted to run out to a pharmacy for some antihristomine.
– Henry Alford,"β€˜The Historian': Stayin' Alive," New York Times, 10 July, reviews Elizabeth Kostova, The Historian.
Michael Isakoff,"Matt Cooper's Source," Newsweek, 18 July, names Karl Rove as Matt Cooper's secret source. The newsmagazine says that it has documentary evidence that Rove was both a source for Time's Matt Cooper and that – before the publication of the Robert Novak column that first publicly disclosed Valerie Plame as a CIA official -- Rove told Cooper that former Ambassador Joseph Wilson's wife worked at the CIA and was involved in Wilson's controversial trip to Niger." Thanks to Kevin Drum at Political Animal for the tip.

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