Blogs > Cliopatria > Some Noted Things ...

Jul 2, 2005

Some Noted Things ...

Bloggers of Historical Repute: The new Common-Place is up. Caleb McDaniel's"Blogging in the Early Republic: Why Bloggers Belong in the History of Reading" is a must read. When I read a piece like that by Caleb, I'm reminded of why I've read him before and will read his work again. There are other good things in this Common-Place, as well, including Gretchen Adams on Hunting Witches, Caleb Crain on Charles Brockden Brown, and Richard Newman on Richard Allen.

Demimonde's Destiny: At History Talk, Paula Petrik takes issue with two standard myths about prostitution in the old West. Ask more probing questions, do demographic and economic analyses, and you'll find more interesting and truthful answers, she suggests.

Those Balloon Mortgages: You've been reading a lot about those"interest only" mortgages that have been feeding the robust[ing?] housing market in the United States. At TPMCafe, Ed Kilgore makes a very persuasive argument that payment has finally come due on an agreement the Republican leadership made with the social conservatives 25 years ago. In the interim, it's been deferred by other priorities, but in the appointment to replace Sandra Day O'Connor they will demand payment.

Yes, Virginia, There Is A Zombie: When Trent Lott was ousted as Republican Leader in the Senate, he signed a $200,000 book deal with Judith Regan of HarperCollins, according to the Washingtonian's"Capitol Comment." He vowed to"tell all" about his Senate colleagues who had sent him to the back benches. Now, however, with Majority Leader Bill Frist preparing to leave the Senate for his own presidential bid, Lott apparently hopes to regain his leadership position and publication of the book is officially delayed until after November 2006. Unofficially, according to the report, the book deal is"DOA" and Lott will officially owe HarperCollins repayment of his $100,000 advance. Thanks to Moby Lives for the tip.

Party Time! If you've not yet visited History Carnival XI, there's still time to do so. Coming up on Tuesday, Jon Dresner will host Carnivalesque, the Early Modern Festival, here at Cliopatria. Send your nominations of posts appearing in the last two months about the period from roughly 1450 to 1850 C. E. to Jonathan, dresner*at*Hawaii*dot*edu, by Monday.

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More Comments:

Jonathan Dresner - 7/3/2005

Caleb's one of ours; we keep close tabs....

Kenneth R Gregg - 7/3/2005

I was just finished posting something on Common-Place on Liberty & Power blog when I noticed that you already beat me to the punch and mentioned the fine McDaniel piece!
Just a surprise.
Just Ken