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Stephan (K-dog) Kinsella - 7/14/2005
I trust I have now done sufficient penance for earlier remarks. This will teach me to keep my mouth shut. Well, probably not. I do get paid by the word....
Stephan (K-dog) Kinsella - 7/14/2005
And this post about the earlier remarks. Oh well. Marina, you chillin' now?
Aeon J. Skoble - 6/30/2005
Stephan, it was above and beyond the call of duty for you to remind everyone of that exchange! In any case, you've more than atoned. You're the scan-meister.
Aeon J. Skoble - 6/30/2005
Thanks, Ken. And I can say that without it being too preenng, since the vast majority of it was before I came on board.
Aeon J. Skoble - 6/30/2005
You're welcome! I'm excited about it also. I look forward to reading your essay!
William Marina - 6/30/2005
Dear Aeon,
I had written Stephan to thank him, after downloading an essay of mine from way back in 1975 when I first met Tibor and was writing for Reason. My thanks to you as well.
Bill Marina
Kenneth R Gregg - 6/30/2005
This is great! Reason Papers has had some of the best papers on libertarian and objectivist thinking.
Very glad to see this done.
Just Ken
Aeon J. Skoble - 6/29/2005
Yes, I'm as excited about it as anyone else - there are now some articles available that even I couldn't access before!
Sheldon Richman - 6/29/2005
Hurrah! That is great news, Aeon. A newly available treasure trove. Who could ask for more?