Blogs > Cliopatria > Friends of Peter D'Agostino ...

Jun 27, 2005

Friends of Peter D'Agostino ...

Professional colleagues and friends of Peter D'Agostino of the University of Illinois, Chicago, are still in shock from his murder in Oak Park on Thursday. Peter was the husband of another historian, Mary Mapes, and the father of an 18 month old daughter, Rita. David Chioni Moore who teaches International Studies at Macalester College says in comments here at Cliopatria:
Peter D'Agostino was my freshman hall counselor at Brown University in 1981-82. A sophomore, he could not have been more than 19 at the time, but was already giving, kind, sensitive, moral, and very bright. Folks he mentored then are now accomplished professors, community organizers, foundation directors, software engineers, school administrators, and more. We all carry a part of Peter and his enduring influence with us.
Via e-mail, Martin Marty and Catherine Brekus of the University of Chicago, where D'Agostino did his doctorate, send this suggestion to those who want to share their memories of Peter.
I'm writing to suggest that you consider writing a letter to his daughter, Rita, sharing your memories of him. Because she won't remember him when she's older, she would certainly cherish your words. Peter's wife might also take some comfort in hearing your reflections. You can send letters to:
Rita D'Agostino
1155 South Cuyler Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60304-2239

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More Comments:

Jim Williams - 6/29/2005

Thanks, Ralph, for yet another noble deed. Peter's widow Mary is twin sister of my fellow historian at SUNY College at Geneseo Kathy Mapes. Such gestures of concern may comfort Mary and help Rita understand the nobility of her father.