Blogs > Liberty and Power > DHS wants a piece of historic Vermont dairy

May 18, 2010

DHS wants a piece of historic Vermont dairy

Drudge links to and it's a typical government idiocy story -- but the comments on the article are very interesting. Americans resent the highly paid ignoramuses that suck at the "Homeland Security" teat. Americans think it is stupid to build a huge new border crossing and see it as a "use it or lose it" federal jobs program. In this case, those who hate government, those who want better and more relevant border security and private property owners all share a common perspective. I haven't read far enough to see if readers noted that past and recent "plots" called "terrorism" have been either "suggested" by US citizens working for the government, or conducted by resident and/or naturalized citizens -- in any case and perhaps counter-intuitively, border security hasn't been much of a factor. The idea of saving a family farm from eventual destruction by the federal government seems more attractive when it is a picturesque Vermont dairy, rather than privately owned desert on our southern border. But this case mirrors the federal abuse of private property along the Rio Grande in the same way, for the same indefensibly stupid reasons. I hope it works out for the farmers, but the loud hostility and well-justified contempt for DHS and federal bureaucrats voiced in the comments section, and in the tone of the article, is already a small win for liberty.

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