Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There ...

Jun 26, 2005

Things Noted Here and There ...

The 11th Skeptics Circle is up over at Anne's Anti-Quackery and Science Blog and the 16th Carnival of the Godless is up over at Jason Kuznicki's Positive Liberty.

Manan Ahmed calls our attention to"Pamphlets and Periodicals of the French Revolution of 1848," a large on-line resource.

Our colleague, Jonathan Reynolds, has a useful piece on Africa in World History:"So Many Africas, So Little Time: Doing Justice to Africa in the World History Survey," World History Connected. It might be read in conjunction with Tim Burke's"Trope Trove, Or Colonial Fairy Tales." Burke's also got a well pointed post over at Easily Distracted:"The African Union's New Political Platform: Whatever Pisses Off Whitey".

Patricia Nelson Limerick,"Dining With Jeff," New York Times, 25 June, suggests that it's time that Americans sat down at the peaceable banquet.

Mr. Sun notes that it took the United States Senate 123 years to apologize for its failure to pass anti-lynching legislation, but a tony French store took only a week to apologize for not letting Oprah in for an after hours shopping spree. Is that progress or what?

Finally, congratulations to Erin O'Connor. In addition to her own fine blog, Critical Mass, she is blogging at acta online, the blog of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni.

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