Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Anarchist Cookbook

Jun 23, 2005

The Anarchist Cookbook

Interesting story on today's WorldNetDaily site. It opens,"It's rare that an author wants to see his most famous work taken out of print. But that's the case with Willaim Powell's The Anarchist Cookbook, a guide to weapons and bomb-making, written 36 years ago, during the turbulent 1960s, by a 19-year-old fresh out of high school." Powell says he no longer believes that violence is an acceptable means to bring about political change. I agree. But I wouldn't mind seeing the book yanked for other reasons. I remember Samuel Konkin III (SEK3) explaining to me in some detail that, if you carefully followed the directions in TAC, you were likely to blow yourself up. SEK3 speculated on whether the author was actually a government agent trying to reduce the population of radicals. Being less into conspiracy theory, I just figured the author was incompetent. Unfortunately, the consequences would amount to the same. BOOM!!! For more commentary, please see McBlog.

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