Blogs > Cliopatria > Manslaughter for Killen

Jun 21, 2005

Manslaughter for Killen

Edgar Ray Killen has been found guilty of manslaughter in Mississippi. The jury rejected murder charges, but each of the three counts carries with it a twenty year sentence.

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Derek Charles Catsam - 6/22/2005

Paul --
I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. I do not have the power to delete comments here, I have done nothing to any, never mind several, historians, and I would love to know what "dirt" you think I have dug up.

If some of your colleagues and you have nothing better to do than to stalk a couple of history news network bloggers, it says something about you. I'd gladly meet face to face, just to see how well this brave facade of yours holds up. I'll be back in the States in August, and will be driving across a good number of them to get back home.


Paul Shore - 6/22/2005

What’s a matter Derek. Can’t handle a little bit of freedom of speech. I have only done to you what you have to done to several other historians. In return, you had 8 of my messages deleted? If you can’t take it, you shouldn’t dish it out. How would you like it if I start my own blog and call it “GetCatsam&Ralphie”? Some of my colleagues and I were thinking about reading through everything you and Ralphie have written to see if we can come up with some dirt on you two like you have done to others.

Stay tuned……..