Blogs > Cliopatria > Some Noted Things ...

Jun 21, 2005

Some Noted Things ...

Danny Loss,"Musings on the Nature and Usefulness of History," no loss for words, 18 June, takes on David Gelernter's"We Are Our History – Don't Forget It," LA Times, 17 June. Hiram Hover gives Gelernter a roughing up, as well.

Bobby Farouk at Horizon and Maude Newton call attention to"The Diaries of Franz Kafka, 1910-1923." Translating Kafka one day at a time.

At Logos Journal, Robin Melville's"Hobsbawn's Hidden Self" reviews Eric Hobsbawm's Interesting Times: A Twentieth-Century Life (2002) and finds it obscures as much as it reveals.

Scott McLemee,"Ambiguous Legacy," Inside Higher Ed, 21 June, remembers the life of James Weinstein, historian of the American Left.

Louis Menand,"Fat Man: Herman Kahn and the Nuclear Age," New Yorker, 27 June, reviews Sharon Ghamari-Tabrizi's The Worlds of Herman Kahn. The RAND Corporation's Kahn published On Thermonuclear War in 1960. In it, he argued that thermonuclear war was both possible and winnable.

Finally, congratulations to Sameer at Historiblogography who has just passed his qualifying exams.

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