Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday's Notes

Apr 9, 2010

Friday's Notes

Ferdinand Mount,"The rescue of Tiepolo," TLS, 7 April, reviews Roberto Calasso's Tiepolo Pink, trans. by Alastair McEwen.

Gail Collins,"A Confederacy of Dunces," NYT, 7 April, covers a week of bad history in the US of A.

Andrew Lycett,"‘Drink up, dear'," Literary Review, April, reviews James C. Whorton's The Arsenic Century: How Victorian Britain was Poisoned at Home, Work, & Play.

David Runciman,"Let's not make a deal," The National, 8 April, reviews Avishai Margalit's On Compromise and Rotten Compromises.

Tony Judt,"Ill Fares the Land," NYRB, 29 April, is from the first chapter of his book of that title.