Blogs > Cliopatria > Get Overcharged, I Would!

Jun 19, 2005

Get Overcharged, I Would!

It is a Sunday evening here in Oxford, and I half decided, after walking around a bit on a hot and muggy evening, to go to see a movie. I have not yet seen Star Wars Episode III: Back For More Cash, and I figured tonight would be a good time to do so.

So I go up to the counter to see if I could get an early ticket (and maybe a convenient, and possibly air conditioned, seat to read the Sunday Times). I could. If I had been willing to pay £13.50. That's right -- basically the equivalent of $25. It is my understanding that they go with supply and demand prices here in Britain, by which I mean they charge more for popular movies, less for less popular ones. But £13.50 is just a bit usurious. Unless Yoda is refilling my popcorn, serving me peeled grapes and fanning me with palm fronds, I think I'll wait and see it on dvd in the States.

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More Comments:

Derek Charles Catsam - 6/21/2005

Maybe -- or maybe something about me wanting to go in almost an hour early (hey, it was hot here on Sunday).

Roger Johnson - 6/21/2005

Maybe its a weekend thing?
also, granted about UK prices

Derek Charles Catsam - 6/21/2005

Roger --
It was at the Odeon on George Street on Sunday. I did not look beyond the first response. Don't know what to say otherwise -- though £6.50 is still insane for a movie ticket.

Roger Johnson - 6/21/2005

I live in Oxford, UK, and I saw Star Wars about three weeks ago for the price of £6.50. Perhaps Mr. Catsam should be a more canny consumer, or just less picky about where he sits!

Even in london, I've never seen a cinema ticket that high..

Derek Charles Catsam - 6/20/2005

AJ --
That's been the consensus on email. I was going to throw in a Leia joke, but though I am not a Star Wars guy per se, I know that I'd incur some wrath if I played fast and loose with the chronology on that front! I'm curious if the new Batman, War of the Worlds, etc. will be as pricey.
Of course keep in mind, everything is expensive in England -- relatively and absolutely -- and on top of it, the pound crushes the dollar in value. Woe is me, eh?

AJ Fucile - 6/20/2005

Don't forget to add Leia in her slave outfit serving you drinks to reasons why I would pay $25 to see the last of the great cash-ins - but, um - yeah - get real! It's good, it ain't THAT good (as you say - you can own it for as much later this year!)