Blogs > Liberty and Power > Wikileaks and State Murder

Apr 7, 2010

Wikileaks and State Murder

As I posted yesterday at LRC, this DoD snuff video ( reveals the conditioning evident in US soldiers, trained in 7 plus years in Iraq and 9 in Afghanistan. I'm confident the US Army and Air Force will have no problems shooting at people in cities closer to home than Baghdad. It is interesting that the Pentagon is upset about Wikileaks -- this evidence (nothing in the behavior of the soldiers involved or their commanders indicates this is not the normal way they do business) represents reality that ultimately will be shaped in the court of public opinion and in courts of law. I think, because Americans who watch this will tend to identify with the American-looking victims rather than the unseen but vicious soldiers, we have witnessed a political game changer -- and also, we will see the Pentagon attempt to use wikileaks itself to further shape the information arena here at home.

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