Blogs > Cliopatria > Noted Here and There ...

Jun 16, 2005

Noted Here and There ...

You can read the Downing Street Memo here (pdf).

Elaine Showalter,"Is Jacko Our Wilde," Los Angeles Times, 12 June, draws a parallel between Michael Jackson's trial and that of Oscar Wilde in 1895. In"Not So Wilde," at Inside Higher Ed, Scott McLemee says – er – probably not. Wilde's trial featured an intelligent discussion of art, democracy, and morality.

David Brooks,"Joe Strauss to Joe Six-Pack," New York Times, 16 June, is in defense, even admiration, of middlebrow culture in the years after World War II. I'm inclined to agree with him. At Liberty & Power, Aeon Skoble pushes the argument even further.

History Carnival #10 at Spinning Clio still offers huge reading fare, but if you're not surfing the history bloggers for accounts of their experience abroad this summer, you should be. The [non]Zombie is doing research at the British Library in London. Nathanael Robinson's travel diary, Reise-Krise, reproduces remarkably beautiful photographs taken in Alsace. David Noon at Axis of Evel Knieval takes a break from blogging for a Mediterranean cruise with his mother-in-law. No kidding. Sort of breaks your heart, doesn't it? At Munnin, K. M. Lawson learns some history in conversations with local people in Korea. Brian Ulrich takes a bus trip to the oases of western Egypt and finds that there is remarkably little there.

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Brian Ulrich - 6/18/2005

Nothing there but great deserts and interesting people, that is!