Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things ...

Jun 14, 2005

More Noted Things ...

Marc Comtois will host the 10th History Carnival at Spinning Clio tomorrow. Please send him your nominations to spinningclio AT hotmail DOT com by this evening.

Eighteen months ago, Richard Barry's"America's Most Wanted (Book, That Is)," The Guardian, 9 December 2003, suggested that General Aylmer Haldane's The Insurrection in Mesopotamia, 1920 was the most wanted book in America. It's the report of the British general who crushed insurrection in Iraq. Barry said that American policy makers might want to know how he managed to put a regime in place that lasted from 1922 to 1958. I found used copies of Haldane's book at eighteen months ago, but they've subsequently been snapped up. Fortunately, you can now download The Insurrection in Mesopotamia, 1920. (multiple pdf files) Thanks to Rex at Savage Minds for the tip.

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