Blogs > Cliopatria > Good News for People Who Like Good News

Jun 13, 2005

Good News for People Who Like Good News

Rebunk has been slow lately, and for good reason. The three original Rebunkers just congragated in Athens for Ohio University's graduation. On Friday Steve walked (after having officially received his PhD in August, 2004) as did Tom, who at that time received his PhD.

This seems as good a time as any to share some good news on the Rebunk front.

The most important news comes from Tom. In addition to receiving his degree (at only 28 years of age -- overachiever) Tom has received some great and much-deserved tidings of late. He will be moving to the Washington, DC area. He has received and accepted an offer to be a historian at the Center for Military History. He starts in mid-July and will be moving from Athens in three weeks. this carries with it some sadness for all of us, of course, as it is clear that the likelihood of us returning to southeastern Ohio any time soon has just been reduced substantially. On the plus side, Tom will be able to feed his family, which includes a new addition due on Thanksgiving Day.

Stephen is thriving in Greeley, where he will continue to teach at the University of Northern Colorado after rave reviews following his first year. His lovely wife Erica is settling into a job that closely fits her own strengths and interests, and the two are still happy newliweds. Steve has for the time being set aside his dissertation-turned-manuscript on pundits and the presidency to focus on a book project on the 1970s. If all goes well, that will be under contract by the end of the year.

Richard could not join us in Ohio. He is taking a bit of time right now to figure out the next step in his career. Last I heard from him he was sitting on the beach. Not a bad way to kill time while waiting for the next opportunity to strike.

And on my end things are well. In a few hours I will be flying to England where I will be spending the summer as a fellow at the Rothermere American Institute at Oxford University. My goal is to finish off an edited collection that I am doing with a graduate school colleague, to polish off a second book, which should be my first post-dissertation monograph, and to write a chapter of a book on terrorism. Meanwhile I received a very favorable reader's report on my Freedom Rides manuscript and so that might actually appear before too long. We'll see. And to top it all off, the Red Sox Diary might just have life with a publisher after all, though I am not holding my breath.

So things are great at Rebunk, but that explains why we have been silent for most of the last couple of weeks. There is talk of a reunion at the Southern in Atlanta this year. We'll invite you all to come if it happens, but what goes on in Atlanta stays in Atlanta, and mistakes might be made.

When next you hear from me, it will be from England. But congratulate Steve and Tom. They deserve it. Do watch where you step if you find yourself behind Tom's garage, though.

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More Comments:

Robert Wisler - 6/15/2005

I had a great time. Much drink and much food made for a great time. The people weren't bad either.

Derek Charles Catsam - 6/14/2005

Yes -- and imagine if you will following up three consecutive nights of eating, drinking, and staying up past three (or four, or the last night, five), and then driving ten hours, then the next day flying overseas. There are plumbing issues afoot to go along with the jetlag. But it was all for a higher purpose.


Stephen Tootle - 6/14/2005

Soooo much of it.