Some More Noted Things ...
Hiram Hover brings us up to date on the plans of a German zoo to sponsor an exhibit of African culture. The BBC, Deutsche Welle, and The Scotsman have news accounts of it. Subscribers to the private listserv, H-Afro-Am and Cliopatria's friends at the excellent anthropology blogs, Ethno::log and Savage Minds, have protested the exhibit, as well they should.
Our colleague, Chris Bray, will report for military duty in two weeks. At Historiblogography, he asks how can the United States have spent $455,000,000,000 (that's with a"b") in its military budget alone in the past year and yet he must accept a friend's second hand M-16 cleaning kit because the military budget doesn't adequately equip men and women in the field.
Ward Churchill's claims to native American ancestry now appear to be certainly false. Kevin Flynn,"Special Report: The Churchill Files; The Charge: Misrepresentation," Rocky Mountain News, 9 June, does an impressive review of DNA and documentary evidence that shows as near certainly as it is possible. Whatever Churchill and members of his family may have believed, he has no native American ancestry. Thanks to Erin O'Connor at Critical Mass for the tip.