Blogs > Liberty and Power > Compassion at home?

Feb 12, 2010

Compassion at home?

The terrible devastation in Haiti has dominated headlines, but few national news organizations are covering the humanitarian crisis on the reservations in South Dakota that have been ravaged by ice storms and blizzards, where thousands have been without electricity, the systems that supply fresh water have failed, and families are in desperate need of assistance (especially heat). Among these reservations are Rosebud and Pine Ridge, where even before the storms the Sioux suffered from 82% and 85% unemployment, respectively.

-- * From USA Today: "Storm Disaster for Sioux Flies under Compassion Radar."
-- * See a video of the storm damage here.
-- * This post includes donation links organized by reservation.
-- * The Native American Heritage Association (NAHA) provides food, clothing, heating assistance, etc. to the people on several South Dakota reservations, and it has a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator.
-- * See more here at MSNBC.

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