Blogs > Liberty and Power > Patriot Act Reauthorization Ploy

Feb 12, 2010

Patriot Act Reauthorization Ploy

According to an e-mail from the Campaign for Liberty Obama’s plan is to attach the reauthorization of the Patriot Act to the upcoming massive $85 billion special interest giveaway to be labeled a jobs bill. This is an interesting ploy testing Republican Senators’ commitment to fiscal responsibility by pitting it against their love for the national security state.

Since the Patriot Act is an abomination to anyone who cares the least bit about civil liberties I signed the petition below. I agree with all of the whereas statements and in fact would go further arguing that it actually hinders the effort to keep us safe. If the authorities were not collecting the enormous volume of useless intelligence allowed by such laws then perhaps they would be better able to discern whether or not a particular piece of information , such as a group of Arabic men attending flight schools learning how to fly large jets but not learning how to land them or a father telling the government it is highly likely that his Muslim son is planning on becoming a suicide bomber, was important.

Liberty Petition
Petition to Senator Ben Cardin
& Senator Barbara Mikulski

Whereas: Giving up Liberty for Security is a false choice, and causes us to lose both; and

Whereas: American citizens are entitled to 4th Amendment protections against secret searches, National Security Letters, and warrantless searches and wiretaps; and

Whereas: Law enforcement and national security can adequately do their jobs without accessing the private information of innocent, law-abiding citizens; and

Whereas: The misnamed Patriot Act violates our constitutional rights and takes away the very freedom we are claiming to protect from terrorists; and

Whereas: The Patriot Act gives too much power, shrouded in too much secrecy, to government agencies;

Therefore: I urge you to uphold your oath to the Constitution and your duty to protect the rights of your constituents by voting and working for the defeat of the Patriot Act at every opportunity

If you are opposed to the reauthorization of the Patriot Act then why not take a minute and let your Senators know by clicking here?

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