Blogs > Liberty and Power > Habits of Empire

Jan 21, 2010

Habits of Empire

Our territorial expansion “instilled in the American people the habit of empire-building. . . . All along, the United States was also a republic. ‘Republic’ and ‘empire’ have not always fit well together. Today there is a good chance that ‘empire’ might eclipse ‘republic.’ Old habits can become unthinking practices. . . . Thus we have always been an imperial nation, and remain so, but the shape of the American empire has shifted over time. Its present form is different from either our own past ones or historic ones like Rome or Britain. It is still developing. . . . The three historic American empires have all rested on an ideology of expansion. Military solution, overlain by rationales and high ideals, have consistently been considered effective and justified.”--Walter Nugent, Habits of Empire (2008)xiv-xvii.

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David T. Beito - 1/24/2010

I know you always spoke highly of Nugent. I can see why now.