Blogs > Liberty and Power > Hopefully this is the Start of a Trend

Jan 6, 2010

Hopefully this is the Start of a Trend

Bravo to the Lexington County GOP in South Carolina who voted to censure Senator Lindsey Grahman a noted disparager of libertarian ideas. Predictably, the legislator blames “fringe Ron Paul supporters” rather than his own abysmal record of championing ever more government control over our lives for this event. Since the tally was thirteen to seven perhaps people who believe in liberty are not as much of a fringe as Graham seems to think.

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Rick Croley - 1/7/2010

So now if we question the science of AGW and the need to cede more control over our lives to government we're racist?

Keith Halderman - 1/7/2010

I myself believe completely open borders would be the best policy but I doubt that Lindsey Graham feels the same way. Also, just because someone does not agree with me on this issue does not necessarily mean that they have anything against brown people. On the other hand, wanting to destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs and double everyone’s electric bill to serve the myth of man induced global warming certainly deserves censure.

Stephen Smith - 1/6/2010

I dunno how great this actually is. Supposedly he was censured for siding with Democrats on two things - climate change and immigration. Are you really happy that he's being beaten up by Republicans for being too friendly to brown people?