Blogs > Liberty and Power > U.S. Support for Drug Dealers

Dec 17, 2009

U.S. Support for Drug Dealers

Federal pronouncements on drug policy have been remarkably consistent over the years. Despite a recent increased tolerance of medical marijuana, the law enforcement approach of prohibition is still deemed the only acceptable course of action. Drug dealers continue to be portrayed as immoral uncaring fiends deliberately poisoning and killing their fellow human beings.

Now, it seems that our leaders are willing to work clandestinely with the sellers of illegal narcotics even though publicly we label them enemies of humanity. Citing an article containing a first hand account published in Harper’s Magazine the website alleges that our military is intimately involved in supporting the drug trade in Afghanistan. Author Glen Ford writes about cooperation between certain drug dealers and our troops saying that an “alliance was forged by American forces during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, and has endured and grown ever since. The drug lord, and others like him throughout the country, is not only immune to serious American interference, he has been empowered through U.S. money and arms to consolidate his drug business at the expense of drug-dealing rivals in other tribes, forcing some of them into alliance with the Taliban. On the ground in Pashtun-speaking Afghanistan, the war is largely between armies run by heroin merchants, some aligned with the Americans, others with the Taliban.”

Hat tip to Kenny Rodgers

Cross posted on The Trebach Report

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Dino Crawley - 12/21/2009

The American government supporting drug dealers is old news (to those of us well informed).

The writer of this article obviously don`t know recent history so well, if he thinks the American government is just starting to support drug dealers. Or, maybe he think the people reading this article are just as clueless as he is about recent history.

For instance: The writer here must have never heard of the "Guns for Drugs" scandal during the Reagan years. Or most recently, how the American Government is protecting and giving money to Afghanistan`s President (Karazai)`s brother, who is reported a DRUG SMUGGLER.

This writer needs to go back to the history books, get some more information before trying to come across as someone who knows what he`s talking about. Because, obviously, he doesn`t.