Blogs > Liberty and Power > A Step Forward in Massachusetts

Oct 16, 2009

A Step Forward in Massachusetts

Efforts in California to legalize pot have been receiving a great deal of attention but that is not the only state moving forward on this issue. In Massachusetts Rep. Ellen Story (D-Amherst) has filed H2929 which would make lawful the adult use of marijuana. The legislation begins by stating that; “The governor and the representatives of the people of Massachusetts, acknowledging that previous efforts have not succeeded in eliminating or curtailing marijuana use and abuse; determined to exercise some measure of control over the use of cannabis consistent with respect for individual freedom and responsibility; and declaring our objectives to be the reduction of cannabis abuse, the elimination of marijuana-related crime and the raising of public revenue, do hereby ordain and enact The Cannabis Regulation and Taxation Act.”

This bill, the idea of former NORML and board member Northampton attorney Richard Evans, got a hearing before the legislature’s Joint Revenue Committee this week. Arguing that state revenues would be greatly enhanced Evans testified that "whether you like it or you hate it... it is undeniable in 2009 that marijuana has become inextricably embedded in our culture. It is ubiquitous and it is ineradicable. Members should put on your green eye shades and give close scrutiny to marijuana prohibition." While the law is not expected to pass in this session its proposal and the hearing are nevertheless important steps in the right direction.

Cross posted on The Trebach Report

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