Because Embargoes Work So Well...
North Korea's nuclear program could be stopped tomorrow by the country that provides roughly half of North Korea's energy and one-third of its food supplies - and that is China.You're sure about that? I'm not. Don't get me wrong: I agree with him that China could be doing more (though I'm hard-pressed to think of a recent example of Chinese"hardball" that didn't involve either their own people or Taiwan [which they also think is their own people]).All China has to say to Kim Jong Il is:"You will shut down your nuclear weapons program and put all your reactors under international inspection, or we will turn off your lights, cut off your heat and put your whole country on a diet. Have we made ourselves clear?" One thing we know about China - it knows how to play hardball when it wants to, and if China played hardball that way with North Korea, the proliferation threat from Pyongyang would be over.
China has its own worries -- which include the US, by the way, so why would they risk disorder on their border to make our lives easier? Mao famously called US atomic weapons a"paper tiger" incapable of inflicting enough damage on China's territory or population to be a serious threat: disorder is much more of a concern to China's leaders than mere WMD proliferation. If we're going to get them on our side, we need to recognize that and work with it, or get serious and work around it.