Blogs > Liberty and Power > Russell Kirk on Liberalism and Hayek in the 1950s

Oct 14, 2009

Russell Kirk on Liberalism and Hayek in the 1950s

If you're interested, HUMANITAS recently published an article I wrote on Russell Kirk's view of classical (and modern) liberalism in the 1950s. The article looks a bit at the Kirk-Hayek Mont Pelerin debate of 1957.

The same issue has pieces by Claes Ryn and others.

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Bogdan Enache - 10/15/2009

It's an interesting article. I, however, think that Kirk and the American conservatives in general make a caricature out of classical liberalism, or in any case are very partial in their understanding of classical liberalism. It's true that the collaps of classical liberalism in the first part of the 20th century might have justified their feelings, but I think now conservatives are - well - conservatives once again.

Aeon J. Skoble - 10/14/2009

Printed it, looking forward to reading it.