Blogs > Liberty and Power > This is Not a Review

Sep 25, 2009

This is Not a Review

You can tell from the second sentence that this so called review of Ron Paul’s new book, End the Fed, is going to be a piece of mindless partisan garbage, written by someone who knows nothing of history or economics, when the author calls Dr. Paul’s last book, The Revolution: A Manifesto a rant against big government, instead the cogent well reasoned argument that it is.

The piece composed by the slanderous fascist ignoramus, Justin Moyer, makes no attempt to describe or refute Paul’s manuscript; it is merely two measly paragraphs of ad hominem attack. This happens because it is axiomatic to this hack and his ideologue editors that society should be run from the top down organized on principles of force and coercion and anyone who disagrees that this is the ideal must be a crank. No wonder The Washington Post, which published this junk review, is hemorrhaging readers.

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