Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Fox Is Guarding the Oil

May 3, 2005

The Fox Is Guarding the Oil

Here is an interesting article from The Nation Blog,"The Daily Outrage" on our progress in Iraq. It concerns the price of a cab ride to the Baghdad airport, $35,000. The piece is the second one down on the link, titled “Off the Meter.”

The paragraph that seems to clearly illustrate the war’s total lack of noble purpose is as follows: Perhaps the agreement to form a cabinet and hand over power to new Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari will eventually provide an impetus for positive change. But naming Ahmad Chalabi deputy prime minister (and temporary overseer of Iraq's oil revenues) and his nephew Ali Abdel-Amir Allawi finance minister isn't likely to solve the country's problems.

Hat Tip to Kenny Rodgers (aka. Softball Kenny)

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Max Swing - 5/3/2005

There is also an uncensored report about the incident involving the Italian journalist Clapari, who was shot en route to the military airport in Irak.

If you carefully read the uncensored (unblackened) report, you will find very interesting passages. Not only seems the report to indicate that there is an even increasing violence in Iraq, also the US military still considers all of Iraq and especially the capital, Baghdad, is on the list of the major terrorist hide-outs.

It is clearly out of political reasons, that this part of the report had to be blacked out.