Blogs > Cliopatria > SIU's Case/Our Future: A Counterfactual ...

May 3, 2005

SIU's Case/Our Future: A Counterfactual ...

Hiram Hover poses an interesting counterfactual. What if David Horowitz's Academic Bill of Rights were already enacted as law in Illinois? It gives legal standing to every student grievance about a pedagogical decision. Horowitz's vision for the future is that each of us becomes Jonathan Bean.

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Ralph E. Luker - 5/3/2005

Sorry, Chris. I completely misread what you said.

chris l pettit - 5/3/2005

I find the legislation to be ridiculous and was just trying to give counterexamples from the "left" of the spectrum. I believe that it was your perception that led to the assumption that the questions asked were anything that I would necessarily advocate. i apologise for not making that clearer, but would have thought that the comment about the ridiculousness of Horowitz's position would have cleared that up. You will note that I have defended your position on the matter when I have commented on it.


Robert L. Campbell - 5/3/2005


I think Hover has it exactly right, as far as Horowitz's proposed legislation goes.

Every pressure group that wants to control what is taught at universities would get involved, and endless battles would result.

Robert Campbell

Ralph E. Luker - 5/3/2005

Chris, Would you and Horowitz make a good matched pair? You could agree on legislation mandating what is to be taught in every class in every course in the United States.

chris l pettit - 5/3/2005

that any student can sue if professors do not teach the slaughtering of the Native Americans and evils of the settlers in history?

If property law professors don't teach the legal decisions that go along with those actions and the decisions denouncing the US government that were suppressed and overturned by a true activist judiciary?

If economics professors don't teach marxist and communist economics?

How about if students want to hear the People's History of the US and don't like the nationalistic propagandaist history currently taught?

THis whole idea is ridiculous...