Blogs > Cliopatria > Some Noted Things ...

Apr 28, 2005

Some Noted Things ...

If you care for serious discussion, Scott McLemee interviews Christopher Phelps about his new edition of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle in"Impure Literature."

On the other hand, if you need something on the lighter side, Tim Dowling at the Guardian has a foretaste of Arianna Huffington's new megablog, The Huffington Post; and there's"D.R.A.F.T.", a parody of 50 Cent's"P.I.M.P." Thanks to David Adesnik at Oxblog for the tip.

Congratulations to our colleague, Jonathan Reynolds, whose book with Erik Gilbert, Trading Taste: Commodity and Cultural Exchange to 1750 (Prentice-Hall) will be published in August. If you hurry, you can pre-order it! Thanks to Glenn Reynolds for the tip.

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