Blogs > Liberty and Power > Standing In The Shower Thinking

Aug 19, 2009

Standing In The Shower Thinking

When did “global warming” morph into “climate change”? Once global warming conferences began to be held in the middle of April blizzards and the coolest New York City July on record, it was time not to drop the entire infantile idea of improving on what God has created, but instead to change the way we described the entire affair. So “global warming”, specific and measurable (to the embarrassment of its claimants), has morphed into the liquid mush of “climate change”. Climates change all the time, don’t they?

With the average American displaying the attention span of a two year old (a recent poll discovered that 87% of Americans could not name the second American Idol winner) it will be a few weeks, at most, before opinion polls, under relentless 20/20 specials entitled “Climate Change: America’s Peril…And Opportunity”, will show the needle has swung back to credulous, and climate change legislation will come oozing out of the Potomac.

It’s an age-old tactic, to change people perceptions about something they find odious or preposterous, just change the words you use to describe it. But it doesn’t always work, as Bill Clinton’s “revenue enhancements” kept morphing right back into “taxes”. So there’s some hope, I suppose.

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More Comments:

Keith Halderman - 8/19/2009

When the idea that too much man made carbon in the atmosphere was a serious problem first surfaced those raising the alarm were talking about a new ice age. As the temperature got warmer (which is no longer the case) the theory's proponents without batting an eyelash began to taalk about global warming. This process is happening again thus climate change.

Randall M. - 8/19/2009

I can't name the second American Idol winner either.