Blogs > Cliopatria > Some Watches ...

Apr 25, 2005

Some Watches ...

Horowitz Watch: Graham Larkin,"David Horowitz's War on Rational Discourse," Inside Higher Ed, 25 April, uses the distinctions in Harry Frankfort's On Bullshit to show us that the old Leninist is not merely a liar. He is a bullshitter. There's a classic example of his bullshit over on HNN's mainpage. Here's why it's not just lies, but bullshit.
Tim Lambert at Deltoid and Brad R at Sadly, No get fund raising spam from David Horowitz. They fisk it and tell Horowitz,"Sadly, No."

Hoax Watch: Scott McLemee,"Strangely Enough," Inside Higher Ed, 21 April, thoughtfully examines the accusations by Paul Malesziewski that Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Chabon perpetrates a hoax in a lecture he gives on the Holocaust.

Liberals Watch: Thomas Frank, editor of The Baffler, has an essay,"What's the Matter with Liberals?," in the New York Review of Books, 12 May. It extends the argument he made in his book, What's the Matter with Kansas. The essay is an adaptation of the afterword to its new paperback edition. Thanks to Sepoy at Chapati Mystery for the tip.

Middle East Watch: Scott Jaschik,"Middle East Wars Hit Princeton" Inside Higher Ed, 25 April, suggests that controversy over an endowed professorship and a tenure decision, may extend the conflict over Middle East Studies from Columbia to Princeton.

Philanthropy Watch: If you have some good children's books, in Spanish or English, that you're willing to donate to a small bi-lingual elementary school on the northern coast of Colombia, get in touch with Ana Maria at Out of the Woods Now. You can e-mail her at currerbell AT hotmail DOT com.

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