Blogs > Cliopatria > Dr. Bruscino, I presume?

Apr 20, 2005

Dr. Bruscino, I presume?

Tom Bruscino passed his dissertation defense today. You can now call him"Dr. Bruscino." I know I speak for Steve and Rich when I say that our buttons are bursting.

There will be a reunion of the original three Rebunkers in June when both Tom and Steve walk at OU's graduation ceremony. A good time will be had by all.

There will also be a reunion of the senior Rebunker and our newest addition in Burlington, Vermont this weekend. Watch out, Green Mountain State!

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More Comments:

Tom Bruscino - 4/27/2005


I might have a line on a place for you to live in Athens next year. You can find my email at the OU site or contact Derek to get in contact with me.


Tom Bruscino - 4/22/2005

You were in town and didn't send me an email or anything? What kind of Catsam student are you, anyway?

Steven Heise - 4/22/2005

I gotta stake my claim sometime. Even though I'm not entirely sure it has good furniture like the grad student offices I saw last week since somebody either wasn't around or the name on the office door was wrong, which would not be suprising from what I've gathered of the dept.

Tom Bruscino - 4/22/2005


Steven Heise - 4/21/2005

Excellent news. I call dibs on your office for next year.


Jason Nelson - 4/21/2005

I would like to add my voice to the celebration.

Congratulations Dr. Bruscino, well done.

Rich Holmes - 4/21/2005

Well done, Tom! You are welcome to all of my old Poly Sci books from college to pad what will soon be an impressive bookshelf in your office of some fine institution.

Great job.


Oscar Chamberlain - 4/21/2005

Congratulations Dr. Bruscino!!