Blogs > Liberty and Power > Computer-Generated Gibberish Accepted as Paper for Academic Conference

Apr 16, 2005

Computer-Generated Gibberish Accepted as Paper for Academic Conference

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Anthony Gregory - 4/17/2005

This somewhat surprises me, for a scientific paper. But it reminds me of this great site online that will generate, randomly, postmodern essays, most of the time yielding a paper with just the right jargon for many humanities classes these days. The last essay I generated would have definitely garnered an A in some classes, with its contention that "If one examines textual dematerialism, one is faced with a choice: either accept cultural libertarianism or conclude that culture is used to oppress minorities, given that consciousness is distinct from truth. The subject is interpolated into a postmaterialist capitalist theory that includes culture as a whole."

And, of course,

If one examines Foucaultist power relations, one is faced with a choice: either reject posttextual sublimation or conclude that the significance of the participant is deconstruction. Thus, the subject is interpolated into a Foucaultist power relations that includes reality as a reality. Hanfkopf[2] states that the works of Gibson are empowering.

"Class is part of the rubicon of truth," says Lyotard; however, according to von Junz[3] , it is not so much class that is part of the rubicon of truth, but rather the dialectic of class.

Check it out and have fun. The postmodern possibilities are endless.