Blogs > Liberty and Power > New Neighbors

Apr 14, 2005

New Neighbors

He's too modest to have mentioned it here, but one of our regular commenters, and all-around good guy Irfan Khawaja has started a blog of his own, eleswhere in the HNN quadrant of the blogosphere. It's called Theory & Practice, and it's blogrolled under"HNN Blogs," top right of this page. Check him out! He's a very sharp philosopher, and a good writer, so I for one am looking forward to his contributions, and the corresponding decline in my own productivity.

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More Comments:

Irfan Khawaja - 8/4/2006

"Modest"? "All-around good guy"? Aeon, I can't believe you're insulting me like that in public. And I thought we were friends!

Aeon J. Skoble - 4/14/2005

Well, it's either that you're too modest to mention it, or too forgetful -- pick whichever insults you least! ;-)