Blogs > Cliopatria > Elephant in the Room

Apr 13, 2005

Elephant in the Room

Longtime Rebunk reader (and one of my regular sparring partnmers on the comment boards) Chris Pettit has a newish blog that he has put together along with a couple of Professors. Chris and I disagree on much, but we have a serious commitment to Africa in common, and his commitment to human rights and global justice is both serious and deep. I hope you'll all check out Elephant in the Room often. It's pretty darned sharp looking.

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More Comments:

Derek Charles Catsam - 4/13/2005

No problem. I think that readers will recognize your voice over at EITR and i think many will surely appreciate it.

chris l pettit - 4/13/2005

DC, I am humbled and honored that you would mention this. I cannot show my appreciation in expressive enough terms (although you won't get me to praise the Red Sox...unless the Yankees are the other comparison).

As we disagree, so we agree...and that is what it is all about. We do our best and hopefully come out on the other side a little worse for wear, but still respectfully.

Thanks a lot, and we shall see you soon!