Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things ...

Apr 12, 2005

More Noted Things ...

History Carnival: Jonathan Dresner will host History Carnival #6 here at Cliopatria on 15 April. Please send your nominations of exemplary history posts that appeared since 1 April to dresner AT hawaii DOT edu.

A Clue: To whomever was looking for the Cliff Notes to The Kingdom of Matthias, Read. The. Book. It's short. It doesn't hurt. It's good. You'll be glad you did. And to the reader who sought to learn"where camellias are found in foreign countries besides Alabama," we understand your sense of the place, but the war is over and Alabama was on the losing side.

Congratulations: To KC Johnson, whose edition of The Presidential Recordings: Lyndon B. Johnson, Volumes 1-3, The Kennedy Assassination & the Transfer of Power. November 22, 1963-January 1964 has just been published in a boxed set by W. W. Norton. In December, Cambridge University Press will publish KC's next book, Congress and the Cold War. Why am I proud to call him my friend?

DeLay Watch: When Cox & Forkum and Fox News goes after him, you know that time is running out.

Dworkin Watch: At University Diaries, Margaret Soltan offers a slightly different take on Andrea Dworkin than does my colleague, Hugo Schwyzer. I'm not getting into this one.

Literary Notes: Scott McLemee's Read This! at Inside Higher Ed calls attention to the new Litblog Co-op, a consortium of literary bloggers. Incidentally, McLemee calls attention to Cultural Revolution's criticism of the fact that John Holbo's The Valve is sponsored by the Association of Literary Scholars and Critics.* S-h-h. Don't anybody tell Michael Berube about it. He'd want to drum John out of the Singapore branch of the AAUP and Belle Waring would then have to string Berube up by his gonads. It could just get real ugly. Better to keep Berube focused on correcting David Horowitz's misrepresentations and on condemning pie-throwers. But, s-h-h. Don't tell anybody at The Weblog that Michael Berube condemns throwing pies at guest speakers. They'll want to kick Michael out of the Chicago branch of the AAUP and Bitch. Ph.D. would get into it .... Just take my word for it. S-h-h.
*Update: See also Henry Farrell's"Radical Literary Theorists" and the discussion at Crooked Timber.

Looking Forward To: Tim Burke is next up in Jaime Glazov's series of"dialogues" between David Horowitz and academics on the Left at Front Page Mag (scroll down). I don't know why Berube and Burke subject themselves to the process. The exchanges are edited in such a way that Horowitz always gets the last word and those of his critics are gutted.

But, Hey: Don't take my word for it. Enter"Front Page Mag" in the slot. Click on"Battle!"


is a Giant Ant that eats Nuclear Waste, spits Ice, shoots Laser Beams, and has Enormous Tusks and Four Sets of Teeth.

Strength: 8 Agility: 6 Intelligence: 8

To see if your Giant Battle Monster can
defeat Cliopatria, enter your name and choose an attack:

fights Cliopatria using

On the other hand, do not bother to test Cliopatria against Chapati Mystery. Very formidable. Try Michael Berube, instead. Thanks to Eugene Volokh at the Volokh Conspiracy for the tip.

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 4/12/2005

Older guys know that pies are for eating.

Anthony Paul Smith - 4/12/2005

You guys are just getting older. Pie throwing is a thing of youth!

Caleb McDaniel - 4/12/2005

I hate to break it to you, Ralph, but the giant lizard Mothra laid waste to Cliopatria with his fire attack.

"But (I hear you saying) Mothra's not a giant lizard!" Shows what you know: Mothra can "change shape." He also has a "Humorous Nephew Sidekick." But in a huge upset, Cliopatria bested Nephew of Mothra, proving (ironically) that brawns are better than brains.

Ralph E. Luker - 4/12/2005

But you should also notice that McLemee has deviated from right doctrine on the pie-throwing thing. You may have to re-think.

Ralph E. Luker - 4/12/2005

I'll split a pie with you any day, Anthony.

Anthony Paul Smith - 4/12/2005

that you realize we aren't radical neo-Berubians now. We've obviously split over this whole pie deal.