Blogs > Liberty and Power > Academic Freedom under Fire: The Case of Joseph Massad

Apr 11, 2005

Academic Freedom under Fire: The Case of Joseph Massad

Until today I was only vaguely aware of the controversy surrounding Joseph Massad, an untenured assistant professor in the Department of Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia University. This lunchtime I read up on the dispute and after some reflection decided to sign the Petition to Professor Lee Bollinger of Columbia University.

To read what Massad has to say, go here. To read one of his recent articles, go here. And for a recent article in the Columbia Spectator, go here. For another, very different, take on the question, go here and here. I encourage readers to peruse these stories and to consider signing the petition.

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More Comments:

David Timothy Beito - 4/14/2005

I am inclined to sign it and probably will but I am bothered by the tone which seems to defend Massad as the greatest thing since sliced bread. The A simple defense of his academic freedom would have made more sense.