Blogs > Liberty and Power > Cops Arrest Blogger for Identifying a Police Officer

Aug 10, 2009

Cops Arrest Blogger for Identifying a Police Officer

Virginia cops arrest blogger Elisha Strom for identifying a police officer.

Bill Boushka has the story here.

The Washington Post speaks up here.

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dan-o - 3/28/2010

Apparently she's been arrested yet again, this time for violating her court order:

Dale Bennett - 11/24/2009

There's even more evidence now that Elisha Strom was having a sexual affair with JADE Task Force detective Brian N. O'Donnell, whom she credits with "inspiring" her obsessive blogging and stalking after their relationship went bad.

This is really getting interesting.

Apparently this sexual affair took place during the trial of her husband, Kevin Alfred Strom, on child pornography and other charges. Kevin Strom maintains his innocence and says he was forced to plead guilty to one count because of perjury on Elisha Strom's part and the suborning of that perjury by O'Donnell. O'Donnell was the investigator in Kevin Strom's case. Elisha Strom was the only witness.

Elisha Strom has just posted a link to a recorded telephone conversation she had with said Brian O'Donnell, in which it is quite clear she spent the night with O'Donnell on at least one occasion. He is very nervous about his wife finding out about his relationship with Strom. O'Donnell also expresses fear about possible repercussions to his career on the Joint Terrorism Task Force and JADE task force and to his career as a Charlottesville Police Detective.

O'Donnell states flatly that Elisha Strom lied to him on several occasions.

Link on the I Hearte JADE site by Elisha Strom:

Link to mp3 of the phone conversation:

Transcript of conversation:
Detective Brian N. O'Donnell: Of course I got upset. So yeah, I said things... You there?

Elisha Strom: Yeah, I'm thinking.

Detective Brian N. O'Donnell: That was a good rant. I didn't want to waste it on thin air. I thought you hung up.

Elisha Strom: No, no. It was wonderful, fantastic, delightful.

Detective Brian N. O'Donnell: (laughs) The point is...

Elisha Strom: (laughs)

Detective Brian N. O'Donnell: The point is, OK, you know, you treat me like shit. You have lied to me. You said you haven't lied, and you have. I know you have. I'm not going to get into how I know, but I know you have. You were playing games. That's NOT RIGHT.

Elisha Strom: I was not playing games.

Detective Brian N. O'Donnell: You are now. Even mentioning my wife makes me nervous. You spend the whole night over here. You don't seem to understand. I'm a Task Force officer. I'm a Charlottesville Police detective. It's only your word right now. There you go.

Elisha Strom: I didn't bring anything up!

Detective Brian N. O'Donnell: Well thank you. That was decent of you. I meant that sincerely.

Elisha Strom: You know, you are just so arrogant --

Detective Brian N. O'Donnell: Is that -- is that fair to say? I was actually thinking that about you.

Elisha Strom: (sighs)

Detective Brian N. O'Donnell: Hey, you know what? It's your decision. It's your decision. It really is. So, I will call you tomorrow. See ya.

Justin Bowen - 8/13/2009

Commenter Dashfield has some interesting insights in this story. According to him, this woman is a stalker whose judgment is perhaps clouded by some relationship that she had with with Detective O'Donnell. I'm not sure of who's deserving of what, but someone once used a sociologist-coined phrase that I think is appropriate here: crazy gravity. Crazy gravity was described to me as the force, created by people's actions, that causes some people to attract craziness in their lives (i.e. the domestic violence that many people tend to be perpetual victims of).