Blogs > Cliopatria > Making fun of Yankee Fans for Fun and Fame

Mar 30, 2005

Making fun of Yankee Fans for Fun and Fame

Andrew Ackerman (of The Nation and other assorted publications) gave me props in his weblog. Apparently sometime last fall in the Red Sox Diaries, I called Yankee fans"prehensile slackjawed mouth breathing troglodytes" (I must admit, that does sound like me . . .) and he liked the phrase so much, he used it in his blog. I'm truly touched that my jackassery can mean so much to so many.

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Derek Charles Catsam - 4/5/2005

Rich --
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It is a foolish man who will gloat oevr an opening day victory. And Johnson did not exactly look unhittable. In any case, insurmountable as this one game lead is, the Sox are pretty good at comebacks against long odds against the Yankees.

Rich Holmes - 4/4/2005

Watching the game last night I can hardly remember how last season ended. Enjoy David Wells.

AJ Fucile - 3/30/2005

I'm going to enjoy feeding those words to you Sunday. Game on!!!

Rich Holmes - 3/30/2005


That noise you'll be hearing from your abode in Hinesburg sometime Sunday evening will be the screams of joy I'll be ripping from the humble 'Croft as the Yanks put up 8 runs in the first 3 innings against Wells and A-Rod corks one over the monster in his first at bat of the season. You may also hear AJ crying in the background.

P.S. We're getting a keg.


R Padula - 3/30/2005

First of all DC, may I say nice use/invention of the word "jackassery." Good stuff, which will be especially useful during the impending baseball season.
The volume on the rivalry is about to get turned way up this weekend, which will be good for waking sleeping lions and the elderly- um, I mean the Yankee elders from their naps for gametime. GO SOX!!

Rich Holmes - 3/30/2005

And now you're team is just a pathetic bunch of misfits with one World Series championship to its name in the past 86 years. Yipee. Good for you. At least before last season there was this certain aura associated with the depths of mediocrity in which you wallowed for the past century, but now that's gone. So carry on with patting each other on the backs and high-fiving each other about the disingenous barbs you throw at Yankees fans, because when you get right down to it, there is the New York Yankees and everybody else.

And we all know which category Boston's professional baseball team fits in.


Derek Charles Catsam - 3/30/2005

Oh, among fans name calling is fine.

Yankee fans are an interesting kind of frontrunning vermin. But Rich is consistent. The funny thing is, after the Sox-Yanks series last year, I did not gloat to my many Yankee fan friends. The Sox run last year was about us, not them. Too many people never understood that. The Yankees are in the way of what we want. Now the Yankees and their fans cannot deny that the same can be said for us. Like it or not, the legions of yanks fans cannot pretend that there is no rivalry. It was always a lie in any case, but now it is a lie that is a joke.


AJ Fucile - 3/30/2005

You will notice that Rich can not barb regarding these two teams without name calling. Research his blog, you'll see. Though I finally convinced him to lose the body noise comments....

There is nothing worse than a Yankee fan. They've had it good too long. After the Sox humiliated them & went on to win it all, I shot Rich a few e-mails in the spirit of those I had been receiving from him. Being told to go F myself so many times made me wonder if Yankees fans actually like baseball, or just like being loudmouthed jackasses. Jury is still out.

A sleeping lion? We'll see. All I know is for the first time in my baseball years, I'm thinking repeat. Just try not to choke on it....

Go Sox.

Rich Holmes - 3/30/2005

When in Fenway, do as the Sox fans.


Derek Charles Catsam - 3/30/2005

Sorry, I had a hard time understanding that through the mouthbreathing and open-mouthed chewing.


Rich Holmes - 3/30/2005


You've awoken a sleeping lion my friend. Enjoy looking up at the Blue Jays and O's this year, in addition to the Yanks.

