Blogs > Cliopatria > Who owns history, part MCLVIIIIIIIII

Mar 29, 2005

Who owns history, part MCLVIIIIIIIII

Historian v. Hollywood, but this time it's about who got it right. Apparently more than one Crusade historian and buff were shopping projects around at the same time, and now lawyers are involved:
Michael J. Plonsker, a lawyer with the Los Angeles firm Alschuler Grossman Stein & Kahan who litigates such cases, said winning them was difficult but not impossible."History is not copyrightable," Mr. Plonsker said."But if the manner in which you tell about a historical event is a particular expression of character or sequence of events, that is copyrightable. If you can show that the defendant had access and that the works are substantially similar, which is the legal standard, then you can win."
Tell your story well, and you too might have a Hollywood lawyer working for you someday....

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