Blogs > Liberty and Power > Obama and the Fatal Conceit

Aug 2, 2009

Obama and the Fatal Conceit

I make the case he suffers from it in an op-ed in this morning's Richmond Times-Dispatch. A snippet:
Absent the signals of the marketplace, czars, presidents, and members of Congress are thrashing around in the dark in their attempts to improve upon the outcomes generated in actual markets. Top-down directives forgo the opportunity to learn from the decentralized knowledge of those actually producing the goods and services in question.

Obama's reliance on experts and czars and top-down restructuring is particularly ironic in light of his promises of change and bringing the spirit of 21st century technology to government.

The clearest lesson of the networked world is that decentralized, bottom-up collaboration works much more effectively than top-down solutions. From Wikipedia, to open source software, to the Internet itself, the 21st century is quickly becoming the century of the"wisdom of crowds."

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