Ward Churchill Blowback
There is another reason to defend academic freedom in this case. With each passing day, the evidence mounts that the"fire Churchill" movement has the unintended and highly unfortunate result of making its intended quarry even stronger. It has produced spectacular blowback in Churchill's favor by tranforming him into a martyr. A case in point was the response to Churchill's speech yesterday at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. He drew a capacity audience of over five hundred who listened to his ravings with"rapt" admiration. Few speakers on any campus, outside perhaps of the highly politicized Ivy Leagues, can attract that kind of friendly crowd.
Had the"fire Churchill" partisans limited themselves to the pen rather than the sword at the beginning of this controversy, I doubt that more than hundred would have bothered to show up. Churchill would be just another marginal, aging, Guevara/Indian wannabe. By their actions, Newt Gingrich and friends have turned the source of their anger into a marketable celebrity who, no doubt, now is negotiating the terms of a lucrative T-Shirt concession. They are proving to be Ward Churchill's best friend.