Blogs > Cliopatria > Churchill Notes and Better Reads ...

Feb 24, 2005

Churchill Notes and Better Reads ...

The Honolulu Star-Bulletin reports that Ward Churchill acknowledged that he is not a native American in a speech that proclaimed himself the"poster boy of academic freedom" at the University of Hawai'i yesterday. Meanwhile, University of Colorado President Elizabeth Hoffman gave a tough warning to state legislators that their interventions and public pressure at this point only complicate legitimate internal review processes. Thanks to Richard Morgan for the tip.
Update: Instapundit reports that Churchill's acknowledgement is in dispute and that some journalists are trying to confirm it. Undoubtedly, this story will continue.

Cliopatria congratulates Tom Bruscino, whose"Cultures of War" for the Claremont Review of Books considers Victor Davis Hanson's Ripples of Battle and John A. Lynn's Battle. Hanson must have liked the review because he features it on his website.

I imagine that they'll be featured in the 3rd History Carnival this weekend, but you are missing some of the best of Cliopatria if you haven't read:

Caleb McDaniel,"An Elvis Movie for All of Us," 18 Feb.
Greg Robinson,"Just for Fun – Harry Truman and the Vulcans," 21 Feb.
Miriam Burstein,"Narrative," 22 Feb. and
Jonathan Dresner,"Pipes' Privateers," 23 Feb.

The next time you set a mousetrap, consider the role played by the vermin in historical preservation. Thanks to Maroonblog for the tip.

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More Comments:

Jonathan Dresner - 2/24/2005

I've been wondering about the self-identification thing for some time. In the press conference the day before his Manoa talk, Churchill said "I've been identifying the same way since I was a 10-year-old little boy," which strikes me as an odd way of putting it. I would understand "since I learned of it" or "all my life," but the precision of the response seems odd to me: what changed when he was ten?

Thanks for the kind words: when you're fed material like that (and have Stan Rogers in your corner), it just comes out right sometimes.

Greg James Robinson - 2/24/2005

I am much obliged for the kind endorsement of my piece of tomfoolery, but I do not know that I would take it over my colleagues' fine contributions.

Sherman Jay Dorn - 2/24/2005

I've loved "Barrett's Privateers" for years, and I'm delighted to see it used in a (semi-)serious context. Just beautiful!

Ralph E. Luker - 2/24/2005

Caleb, I suppose that we must conclude from this that some people just have fame and fortune drop in their laps, while other people have to work for it.

Caleb McDaniel - 2/24/2005

Ralph, let me put in my two cents that "An Elvis Movie for All of Us" should not even be mentioned in the same breath with Greg's "Just for Fun" and Miriam's "Narrative," and Jonathan's "Pipes' Privateers." All I did was make a funny little joke -- by copying and pasting from another blog! My colleagues, on the other hand, wrote brilliant original material!