Blogs > Cliopatria > Noted Here and There ...

Feb 19, 2005

Noted Here and There ...

Van Hayhow says Caleb McDaniel's"An Elvis Movie for All of Us" may be"the best post in the history of HNN" and it may be. So, if you haven't read it, go look. If, like me, you love the variety of Caleb's work, try"Dorothy Stang" at Mode for Caleb. It is about the life and assassination in Brazil of a Roman Catholic nun from Ohio. She lived in fearless service to G_d and peasants in the rain forests. They walked twenty miles through mud to be at her funeral. Sister Dorothy Stang's nephew drops by Mode to reminisce about his aunt. Such a life and such a post make me want to repent.

Patrick D. Healy and Sara Rimer's"Furor Lingers as Harvard Chief Gives Details of Talk on Women," in the NYTimes is a good update on the Summers controversy. William Saletan's"The Girls of Summers" at Slate is a very helpful analysis of the Harvard President's remarks about women in science and technology. On the other hand, Fontana Labs' analysis of those remarks,"But What Does Cornell West Think," at Unfogged is not even meant to be helpful. Thanks to Tyler Cowan at Marginal Revolution for the tip.

This weekend, Cliopatria joins Crooked Timber, Light Seeking Light, Unfogged, and much of the blogging community in sending Glenn and Helen Reynolds our heartfelt best wishes for her speedy recovery. Here's a late update.

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