Blogs > Cliopatria > Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Antiterrorism Fellowship

Feb 17, 2005

Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Antiterrorism Fellowship

I just got this today:

The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies has begun accepting applications for its Academic Fellows anti-terrorism training program. This program provides university professors with a detailed understanding of the terror threat that faces our nation and sister democracies. Centered on a 10-day course taught in conjunction with the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, the program takes place entirely in Israel. Participants interact with academics, diplomats, military and intelligence officials, and politicians from Israel, Jordan, India, Turkey and the United States. They also visit military bases, border zones and other security installations to learn the practical side of deterring terrorist attacks. All expenses are paid by FDD.

For more information please visit here

I am a former fellow. It is a great program and a wonderful opportunity. All I ask is that when inquiring or applying you tell them that you found out about the program through Derek at Rebunk.

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