Social Insecurity
Without the Social Security surpluses of the 1990s, President Bush would never have been able to push through his tax cuts for the wealthy in 2001.
In fact, without the Social Security surpluses there would have been no general surpluses in the 1990s.
It was because Social Security was bringing in billions of surplus dollars that the budget was finally in the black.
So President Clinton shouldn't have talked about the budget being in balance. It wasn't.
In a way then the Democrats are to blame for the Republican Social Security scam. The Democrats bragged about a surplus that didn't really exist and the Republicans took advantage of that rhetoric about a non-existent surplus to push through Bush's tax cuts.
In the Democrats' favor is that President Clinton wanted to use the surplus Social Security revenues to pay down the national debt, which would have helped the government weather the coming shortfall in Social Security revenues.
In the Republicans' favor ... well, I can't think of anything. They used a bogus surplus to sell unfair tax cuts and are now trying to push through a bogus "reform of Social Security that doesn't even address the problem it is supposed to rectify, as Slate and the NYT have figured out. Indeed, instead of fixing Social Security, Bush's reform adds a couple of trillion dollars in debt to the mess.
And they call this the greatest democracy on earth!