Blogs > Liberty and Power > A Very Brief Reply

Feb 9, 2005

A Very Brief Reply

I frankly don't have the time or inclination to address every point in this post from Bill Marina.

But in connection with the overall tenor of his essay (and especially of the concluding section), I will note these answers to three common questions/myths about homosexuality (from this handy reference page):

Why do gay people flaunt their sexuality? Why don't they just keep it private?

The majority of gay people don't flaunt their sexuality. As a matter of fact, many go to great lengths to hide their sexual orientation. There is a double standard in our society. What some consider to be flaunting by homosexuals is usually regarded as everyday behavior for heterosexuals. A heterosexual couple walking hand in hand is perceived as normal. Very few would consider their behavior to be inappropriate, if they even noticed it at all. On the other hand, a lesbian or gay couple exhibiting the same behavior would almost certainly be noticed, and most likely be accused of flaunting their sexuality or promoting their lifestyle. They may be harassed or worse yet, physically attacked.

Heterosexuals are free to talk about their spouses or dates. They can wear their wedding rings, display pictures of their loved ones on their desks, kiss good-bye at the airport, include their significant other in company parties and so on. A gay person who chooses to do the same may be seen as a trouble maker, or a radical homosexual out to prove a point.

The truth is most gay people are not out to make a statement. They simply want to be able to incorporate the many aspects of their lives the way heterosexuals are permitted to do. ...

Are homosexuals more likely to molest children?

One of the most enduring and damaging myths equates homosexuality with child molestation. In truth, the most likely person to sexually abuse a child is a heterosexual male; in many cases this person is a family member or close family friend (Falk, 1989), (Koss, 1994). Pedophiles who molest children of the same sex are almost never homosexual in their adult sexual relations (Groth & Birnbaum, 1978). Furthermore, the molestation of children by heterosexual women appears to be uncommon, and even less common among lesbians (Erickson, Walbek & Seely, 1988) (Finkelhor, 1984) (Johnson & Shrier, 1987).

Don't homosexuals recruit children and seduce naive adults?

In an effort to spread fear and ignorance, organizations that oppose gay rights often portray homosexuals as sexual predators out to recruit or seduce as many people as possible. Homosexuals, like heterosexuals discover their sexuality as a process of maturing; they are not recruited, seduced or brain washed into the gay lifestyle (Bell, Weinberg Hammersmith, 1981), (Troiden, 1989). Common sense proves the difficulty gay people would face in trying to recruit. What would they have to offer? Rejection by family and friends, fear of discrimination, the opportunity to experience harassment, violence and possible death at the hands of a homophobe? The idea of recruitment is utterly without scientific foundation (Weinberg, 1977).

With these points in mind, allow me to rewrite Mr. Marina's final paragraph -- and to do so with the benefit of facts on my side (keep in mind that the most likely sexual abuser of children is the heterosexual male):
And so, to sum up, I think Imperial Ages will tolerate more heterosexual behaviors than some earlier epochs, but that these also will find opposition when heterosexuals develop an overt culture and attempt to recruit/seduce among the young, especially those in the years of puberty.
I am very pleased to see, however, that we have now moved beyond the"some of my best friends are homosexuals" defense of ignorance. Now we can enjoy the"even some of my relatives are homosexuals!" argument. And he loves and respects them!

I simply cannot convey how much better I feel. (And thanks so much for equating"a blatant culture" -- of homosexuality, I assume, although you would find it impossible to identify a single, monolithic"gay culture" -- to child-molesting priests. I especially appreciate that one.)

(Cross-posted at The Light of Reason.)

UPDATE: In a post just a week ago, I noted some similar arguments from rather distasteful sources:

"For the sake of our children and society, we must OPPOSE the spread of homosexual activity! Just as we must oppose murder, stealing, and adultery! Since homosexuals cannot reproduce, the only way for them to 'breed' is to RECRUIT! And who are their targets for recruitment? Children!"—Don Wildmon, direct mail letter from the American Family Association

"After all, since homosexual couples can't reproduce, they will simply go after your children for seduction and conversion to homosexuality."—Rev. Lou Sheldon, Traditional Values Coalition, from report Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children

And my favorite (to date, at any rate):
"Homosexuals are not monogamous. They want to destroy the institution of marriage. It (same-sex marriage) will destroy marriage. It will destroy the Earth."—James Dobson, Focus on the Family, October 2004 speaking at a rally for OK GOP Senate candidate Tom Coburn
As I said before: to hell with the Earth. My goal is the destruction of the entire universe, known and unknown.

And I will not rest until that goal is accomplished. Now, I must be off to yet another of my super-secret meetings, where the imminent destruction of mankind shall be discussed in further detail...

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More Comments:

William Marina - 2/9/2005

Dear Arthur,
Thankfully you did not offer a lengthy reply as I might not have time in this lifetime to read it.
With the exception of my brief comment about priests, I do not see that you are replying to me at all.
I was not talking about the rate of homosexuals in sex crimes.
I really couldn't care less about how you personally feel about my statements about my friends and family, but wrote what I did because I am not prejudicial about anyone's behaviors in which there are not victims.
I do try to understand why in the evolution of a civilization there are changin attitudes about some behaviors, notably homosexual ones.
I do find the comments about this rather excessive at a Blog site not dedicated to that topic as I noted early on. The same goes for Rand.
Bill Marina