Blogs > Liberty and Power > OK, We Get It, She’s Hot

Jul 13, 2009

OK, We Get It, She’s Hot

You are much hotter in real life.
-Alec Baldwin to Sarah Palin (2008)

If there’s any solace in the W Administration’s shredding of Our Country Tis of Thee, it’s that he has dragged down his Republican Party along with everything else. As proof to support my claim, I give you Sarah Palin.

I’ve written about her before but she keeps popping back into my life through the magazines and newspapers that I frequent. This last instance was the August 2009 Vanity Fair, which greeted our dame with a scathing attack on her and everything she stands for. Yet, even a magazine that prides itself on decorum and good taste couldn’t help but post a picture of Mrs. Palin, under label #1, in a very tight skirt, rear view. Why not just put her in a bikini for the next photo op and be done with it?

The RNC is so desperate for a path to follow, so devoid of any principles or ideas to guide them and their friends back to power, that they will cross any line and in Mrs. Palin they have the Republican Party’s pin-up girl, thereby gaining themselves that crucial voting block of males who like to watch women in bikinis fire automatic weapons, yet thankfully (from the point of view of a libertarian) sinking themselves to the level of the New York Libertarian Party’s 1994 nomination of Howard Stern for governor.

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More Comments:

David T. Beito - 7/16/2009

The Palin worshipers have a lot in common with the some of the Obama worshipers. They are true believers even though few can state how she stands on issues of the day.