With support from the University of Richmond

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Naomi Campbell: I handed 'blood diamonds' to Mandela charity

Naomi Campbell, the model, told a war crimes tribunal that she gave alleged "blood diamonds" to the head of Nelson Mandela's children's charity.

The admission draws Mr Mandela, one of the world's most revered statesmen, into the centre of allegations surrounding the funding of the 1991 – 2002 Sierra Leone war, which was characterised by the use of boy soldiers and the mutilation of 20,000 people who lost arms, legs, lips and ears under machete attack.

Mr Taylor, 62, is being tried on 11 counts of war crimes in Liberia's neighbouring Sierra Leone, including charges of murder, rape and sexual slavery. He is accused of trading in "blood diamonds" to fund the brutal and bloody war in which more than 120,000 died....

Read entire article at Telegraph (UK)