With support from the University of Richmond

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About Us


History News Network

100 South King Street Suite 425
Seattle, WA 98104

HNN Staff

Rick Shenkman: Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
John Stucky:  Production Editor
Judd Bundy:  Lead Web Engineer 
Mark Hallum: Social Media Editor
Matthew Kampf:  Social Media Editor
Jonathan Dresner: Assistant Editor
Robin Lindley: Features Editor
Erik Moshe: Features Editor
Walter Moss:  Contributing Editor
Jonathan Harrison:  Contributing Editor 

Book Department Editors

Murray Polner
Luther Spoehr
Ron Briley
Jim Cullen


Tiffany April Griffin
Danielle Dougall
Savannah Acheson
Jennifer Freilach

Our Governing Board

The History News Network is a non-profit corporation registered in Washington State. The IRS has granted the organization status as a 501(c)(3) charity. All donations to HNN are tax deductible. These are the members of our Board of Directors:

William Rorabaugh
Pepper Schwartz
Leonard Steinhorn
Thomas Fleming
Rick Shenkman

Our Advisory Board

Joyce Appleby

Past president of the American Historical Association and the Organization of American Historians; professor of history at UCLA and the author of Liberalism and Republicanism in the Historical Imagination.

Walter Nugent

Emeritus professor of history at the University of Notre Dame and the author of Crossings: The Great Transatlantic Migrations (1720-1830)

Gil Troy

Professor of history at McGill University and the author of See How They Ran: The Changing Role of the Presidential Candidate and Affairs of State: The Rise and Rejection of the Presidential Couple Since World War II.

Liz Cohen

Professor of history at Harvard and the author of A Consumers' Republic: The Politics of Mass Consumption in Postwar America (Knopf, 2003), Making a New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939 and co-author of The American Pageant, a college U.S. history text.

James Banner

Co-founder of the History News Service and author of The Elements of Teaching (Yale University Press).

Leonard Steinhorn

Professor of Communications, American University and co-author of By the Color of Our Skin.

Lewis Gould

Eugene C. Barker Centennial Professor Emeritus in American history at the University of Texas at Austin and author of The Modern American Presidency.

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