With support from the University of Richmond

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Allen G. Debus, 1926-2009: U. of C. researcher studied history of science, collected early 20th Century musical recording

Allen G. Debus, who introduced the history of science and medicine to the curriculum at the University of Chicago, was a widely known scholar of Renaissance alchemists and their first, halting steps toward treating illness.

Dr. Debus, 82, died of cardiac arrest Friday, March 6, in his Deerfield home, said his wife, Brunilda López Debus. He had been diagnosed with lung cancer six years ago but remained productive, particularly in pursuit of his hobby, vaudeville and early 20th Century music.

Dr. Debus joined the U. of C. faculty in 1961 and became the first director of the Morris Fishbein Center for the Study of the History of Science and Medicine after it opened in 1970.
Read entire article at Chicago Tribune